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Ring tones

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Ring tones Empty Ring tones

Mensaje por crys_winchester Jue Ago 20, 2009 10:57 pm

Sam&Dean cantando Bon Jovi
- El trocito de estrofa de la canción Cracy Love que canta Jensen
- Dean: Rise and shine Sammy
- Dean: Stop nobody kill any virgins
- Dean: Sond of a bitch
- Dean: My god you're a freak
- Dean - I'm Dean and the phone's ringing, pick up your phone!
- Dean - Is anybody there, Hello, Your phone's ringing
- Dean - You Gotta phone call, ring-ring, somebody answer the phone for crying out loud!
- Dean - You should seriously let this one go to voicemail
- Sam - Dude! Is that your mom calling
- Sam - Hello, is anyone there... Nah, let it go to voicemail
- Sam - Hey You! Answer the freakin' phone!
- Sam - Hey, how about answering your phone
- Sam - How Many Times are you gonna let this thing ring
- Sam - What's up, don't you wanna answer the phone... Annnnsswwweeerrr thheeee phoooneeeee
Winchester movil
Dean-Apple Pie
Dean- Bitch, you're supposed to say jerk
Dean- don't objetify me
Dean- hello, bleeding here
We got work to do (final tempo 3)
don't fear the reaper (trocito que se escucha en el capi)
Sam- my daddy shot your daddy in the head
winchester-silent night
Ghostfacers Theme Song
Dean - Where's My Car
Sam & Dean - Duo Mystery Spot
Dean Cantando - Temporada 2
Dean - Latin
Dean Promotional Trailer

Cantidad de envíos : 170
Puntos : 363
Fecha de inscripción : 12/06/2009
Edad : 27
Localización : Mexico

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